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"To Ignite Excellence so that Families Thrive and Communities Flourish"

Our Why statement is at the core of all Martin Engineering values. This is what our culture is formed around and needs to be present in each individual in order for the system to thrive. The motivations must come from inside each individual, but will be directed outward in an attempt for better communications and interaction. When these goals are achieved, positive results are felt throughout the entire community.

Living up to our Why statement requires guidance and benchmarks to ensure the overall goal is achieved every day. While some of the components are inherent and easy to employ, others require daily self-reminders. Overall, every component and approach will contribute to the overall Martin Culture and help us be better together. 

These are the tools utilized in order to fulfill our purpose and live up to our Why statement. By following these methods we better ourselves and are able to better communities around us both near and far.