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Just like every other approach we take at Martin Engineering, we always start with the people.
Through the development of interpersonal relationships, both formal and informal, we are able to reinforce the idea and feeling that we are Martin family.
This is how we grow better leadership, teamwork, and communication leading to better productivity and a healthier work environment.


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It is important for every employee, no matter  their position, to know what role they play in the company and its culture. 
By knowing exactly what is expected, and what is being contributed, an individual will better understand their part in the company and its culture and will be better able to contribute to it.
Once the role is clearly defined, workers will be more intrinsically motivated to fulfill needs that arise and find purpose in their work.
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Improved communication provides a better service to the customer and to each other as professionals. 
Employees provided with the resources they need will be better able to preform at work and be more effective in their positions. 
Better performance not only leads to stronger and better relationships with customers, it reinforces the positivity between employees in the workplace as well.


When all of these elements come together and are addressed in unison, it produces a harmony in the workplace that yields the best results possible.
The demand of the market involves understanding the customer, who they are and what Martin can do to fulfill the need they have.
It is also important to understand how competitors will attempt to fill these needs as well, and how Martin will adapt to become a better provider for customers within the market.
This can be achieved through forming relationships with the customers in addition to providing high quality products and services.


After establishing our place within the market, it is important to keep that level of success and improve upon it. 
Maintaining relationships with our customers by being our best selves will ensure we keep up momentum within the market.
These cultivated relationships along with excellent service and products will secure not only our place within the market, but will keep us on an upward trajectory while maintaining momentum.
By growing the overall gross margin, Martin is able to provide both its workers and the surrounding community support when the company is thriving.
This not only benefits the company as a whole, but gives back to the surrounding area, boosting overall attitude toward the company itself and the individuals that operate within it.
Maintaining and growing a decent margin is more important than just profit. It is a source of optimism for every individual involved both directly and indirectly.